Australian Hiker is Australia’s premier hiking podcast as well as providing a southern hemisphere view on overseas hiking. We are Australia’s most downloaded hiking podcast with regular episodes being released every two weeks covering gear and trail reviews, hiking practice, recipes and skills. Bonus episodes will be released at least once a month and include interviews from the trail as well as with relevant industry and allied professionals. Let us do all the research for you.

Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
AH 270-Triple Crown
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
I first fell in love with long distance hiking in about 2014 and surprisingly it had nothing to do with the movie ‘Wild’ that was released in the same year. I’m a goal-oriented person and the whole concept of hiking for multiple weeks or months was something I could aspire to, if I was allowed.
The more I looked into the concept of long-distance hiking, the more I liked the idea of doing one of the well-known Triple Crown trails:
- Appalachian Trail
- Continental Divide Trail, and the
- Pacific Crest Trail
In all honesty I don’t think I will get around to doing all three of these trails, but I can live vicariously through other hikers who have. In this episode we catch up with hiker Simon Morris and get a firsthand introduction to these three trails that make up the US based Triple Crown. www.australianhiker.com.au
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