Australian Hiker is Australia’s premier hiking podcast as well as providing a southern hemisphere view on overseas hiking. We are Australia’s most downloaded hiking podcast with regular episodes being released every two weeks covering gear and trail reviews, hiking practice, recipes and skills. Bonus episodes will be released at least once a month and include interviews from the trail as well as with relevant industry and allied professionals. Let us do all the research for you.

Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
AH 278-Staycations and hiking
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
The term staycation was first is thought to have been coined in 2005 and has now come into common usage and while there are a couple of definitions it essentially means taking a holiday with limited travel and staying close to home.
In this podcast we discuss the concept of taking a hiking 'staycation' in your local area and at what options you have for getting out and about without necessarily having to break the bank. www.australianhiker.com.au
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